Besides the tour bag, braided levers, tool kit, windshield bag and other braided accessories pictures of my work at Daytona Bike Week - I've braided duffel bags, handbags, vests, and more for this same couple from Texas. I met them at the Black Hills Motorcycle Rally. Wish I had pictues of everything I built for them. They bought this bike and replaced the seat with one made by Corbin. We then contacted Corbin and bought the same leather the seat is made with. I used forest green garment leather (to match the bike) for the braiding and inlays. The bike has at least five bags on it that I made for it - plus the braided levers. A tool kit I made is not on it in these pictures. I also braided around the tops of the chrome bars on the lids of the saddle bags the very day these pictures were taken.